List of Tourism in Ciamis - List of recreation in Ciamis. Ciamis tourism is one of the
favorite tourist spot in West Java the beauty and greatness of his name is well
known to foreign countries. One of the main blood ciamis tour visited by many
tourists from abroad is Green Canyon, the site is often visited by foreign
tourists. Besides other Green Canyon tours that often gets visits from foreign
tourists is the beach of Pangandaran Pangandaran beach beauty has its own charm
that can bring a large number of tourists from within and outside the country.

Besides the two views above ciamis neighborhood still has
other tourist attractions are no less interesting for you to visit, look and
choose sites for your taste.
List of Tourism in Ciamis :
Location Ciamis district. Ciamis located in the southeastern
part of West Java, which is surrounded by several districts and cities in West
Java, Ciamis for south facing the vast sea of the Indian Ocean, while the north
Ciamis adjacent to Majalengka and Kuningan, while the East by Cilacap (Java
environment) and Banjar, then west along the Tasikmalaya City and County.