Listing Info Tourist Places in Tasikmalaya

Listing Info Tourist Places in Tasikmalaya - Tasikmalaya is a city and county have visited a number of interesting tourist attractions for foreign tourists. Various tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya has its own charm. Many options are offered the attractions of the city and district of Tasikmalaya, from the beauty of the beach attractions, waterfalls, mountains and others.

For those of you who are local and foreign tourists in the region, city or county Tasikmaaya but do not know the information about the attractions in not visited attraction is one of the pillars of the city of Tasikmalaya, here is a list of tourist attractions that you can and may choose an alternative to travel this year;
Kampung Naga

Listing Info Tourist Places in Tasikmalaya

Batu Pancangkeupan
Cipanas Cipacing
Curug Citiis
Curug Dengdeng
Gua Daha
Gunung Galunggung
Jembatan Kuno Cirahong
Kampung Naga   
Pantai Cipatujah
Pantai Karang Tawulan
Pantai Pamayangsari
Pantai Sindang Kerta
Penetasan Penyu Situ Gede
Situ Sanghiyang