Tourist Spot in Curug Cimahi Bandung - If you wanna go to vacation to Bandung, try to Curug Cimahi. Have you go on there? maybe you don't know that Bandung have any waterfall. Do not ask, Bandung was rich with tourist sites are very indulgent eye. One is Curug Cimahi.
Cimahi waterfall is already very well known people. The air was cool, and grain waterfall on the wind so fresh especially when touching the face, making the main attraction for this waterfall. Besides an elegant, cool and fresh waterfall, visitors can also play with the monkeys that roam around the waterfall.
With costs only Rp 2,500 visitors can relax near the waterfall. But if you want to get closer to the waterfall you must be willing up to the 520 stairs that will take us to the edge of the waterfall. Until finally pulled up at the lowest point of the waterfall with elevations of 100.2 meters. However, for a reluctantly down the stairs to the waterfall, might enjoy the other sensation of Curug Cimahi. Sensation in question is to feed the monkeys that live in Curug Cimahi.
Monkey that have Latin name's Macaca fascicularis (long-tailed monkeys) that have long inhabited the forests in Curug Cimahi. In the '70s, it was said, the number is only a pair monkey. But it's a lot. Maybe until 50, usually every Sunday morning, there was a generous Chinese descent who diligently feed the monkeys.

Cimahi waterfall located in the District Cisarua, Bandung regency. Water attractions are easy to find because it's not to far from the city center.