Cipatujah beach beauty looks from the fusion of a sloping stretch of beach, the ocean waves, lush coconut plantations, as well as a vast expanse of lawn. The buffalo ranchers who live near coastal areas often buffalo graze in the fields and the occasional water buffalo race held attraction accompanied wasps martial, rampak drums, plus a lot of angklung invite people to watch. A local cultural performances certainly interesting to watch.
Many of the usual beach activities done by tourists when visiting this area, such as swimming, beach volleyball, sunbathing, and fishing in estuaries Cipatujah. Come and enjoy the beauty of the beach Cipatujah now.
Beaches Cipatujah also flanked several other beaches that are not less good. For example, Sindangkerta beach located about 4 kilometers from Cipatujah. You lovers of marine wildlife, must visit this beach, because here were encountered rare green turtle, coral reefs, and a variety of ornamental fish.
Sindangkerta Sea has 20 acres of beautiful marine park. If the water was receding, you can dive and snorkel to see the underwater sights. In the coastal area are also available saung botram and camping area. For you Muslims do not need to be confused if you want to worship, because it provided a sizeable mosque along this coast.
For you who love to shop fish, do not forget to visit the beach Pamayangsari, about 4 kilometers from the beach Sindangkerta. This is because the beach is a fishing village Pamayangsari Tasikmalaya district. You can get a variety of fish at relatively inexpensive prices. And at certain times, different types of birds also often stop at the beach, add a beautiful panorama of the sea.
Location: Village Cipatujah, District Cipatujah
Coordinates: 7 ° 44.859 'S 108 ° 0.634' E