List of Hotels in the city of Bandung

List of Hotels in the city of Bandung - For those of you who are visiting the city of Bandung, in order to visit tourist or business visits. You are definitely in need of information about hotel address in the city of Bandung. A lot of hotels in Bandung hotel that you can spend the night and flown for sure at this hotel you will feel comfortable. The list of hotels in the city of Bandung you can see some complete hotel address with the phone. Hopefully helps you and welcome to the city of Bandung survivors traveled or business.
Hilton Bandung Hotel

Hilton Bandung Hotel
Address HOS Tjokroaminoto No. 41-43 Bandung
Phone (022) 86066888

Aston Tropicana
Address Jl Cihampelas Bandung
Phone (022) 2030101

Amaris Hotel Cihampelas
Address Jl. Cihampelas Bandung 
Phone (022) 82062688

Hyatt Regency Bandung
Address  Jl. Sumatera Bandung 
Phone (022) 4211234)

Arion Swiss - Belhotel Bandung

Address  Jl. Otto Iskandar 
Phone (022) 4240000

Padma Hotel Bandung

Address  Jl. Ranca Bentang 1 Bandung 
Phone (022) 2030333

Grand Serela Bandung
Address  Jl. LLRE. Martadinata (Riau) 56 Bandung 
Phone (022) 4240328

Hotel Mutiara
Address  Jl.  Kebon Kawung Bandung 
Phone (022) 4200888

Address  Jl.  Ir Juanda Bandung
Phone (022) 250588